Positive Image Dance LLC
Parents are responsible for their child(ren)'s behavior and safety while on our premises, including parking lots, bathrooms, waiting areas, etc. This includes children in your care that are not necessarily dancing with us (e.g. siblings, cousins, etc.). By signing this you are stating that you understand that your child(ren) is/are not permitted in studio classrooms when not participating in the class that is in progress. Children are not allowed in any area of the premises unattended at any time.
Parents are responsible for purchasing proper footwear, which may include more than one pair of dance shoes, and proper dance wear, accessories, and equipment necessary for safety, uniformity, and success in class.
As a customer of Positive Image Dance Studio, in the event that my child/self sustain an injury of any magnitude during participation in all activities, I will be legally and financially responsible for any bills related to the aforementioned injury. I hereby release Positive Image Dance Studio, its facilities, instructors, employees, other students, owners, and staff from any liability in the event of injury participating in any instruction, activity, or performance.
In order to be registered, you must complete the online registration along with the annual registration fee(s). Note: All registration fees are NON REFUNDABLE.
For classes with age limits, October 31 is the age eligibility deadline date for class placement for the regular dance season.
Parents needing to withdraw their children from classes at Positive Image Dance must notify the office in writing (either a typed/handwritten note or an email) clearly stating their intent to drop and the date of change of enrollment or registration. You will continue to be billed for all classes until the office is notified of your intention to withdrawl in writing. Refunds are not given for classes already paid for. Verbal notice to instructors or staff is not sufficient to release financial obligation. If you withdraw your dancer from classes after you have paid for your recital costumes, no costume refunds will be given.
If you drop all classes before the 5th of the month, a full tuition refund will be given. If only some classes are dropped prior to the 5th, the tuition cost for the class(es) dropped will be applied to the following months' tuition.
All registration fees are NON REFUNDABLE.
Tuition is calculated on a monthly basis beginning in September and ending in May.
Note: At least one inclement weather day has been built into the class schedule and all holiday time off has been accounted for. If we incur more than one "inclement weather day" for the day of your child's class or an unforeseen event occurs that takes your child's annual class total below lessons, a make-up day or option will be provided. This may include an online option for make-up classes.
Any accounts past due on the 15th day of the month are subject to a late fee of $10.00 (October 20 through April). Student's whose accounts fall a month behind on payments will not be permitted to participate in dance class(es) until their account is paid in full (including late fees). Any account with a balance remaining on May 10th, 2022 will be subject to a $50 late fee. All accounts must be paid in full, including late fees, by May 20th to participate in the dress rehearsal and recital. No costume or recital fees will be refunded.
We do not prorate or refund tuition for any reason except at the very beginning of a student's enrollment with us or in the case of extended, serious injury or illness.
If joining a class after the first week of the month, class fees may be prorated.
All studio classes will participate in an annual end-of-the-year spring dance performance. Dancers are not required to participate in the spring dance performance; however, it is an integral part of the dance year.
Dancers participating in the Spring Dance performance will be billed the following fees:
Non-Refundable Costume Fee billed per class. Some combination classes might be billed for two costumes.
Non-Refundable Recital Fee of $50 per family.
This fee covers the cost of the rental of the recital venue for the use of a run-through and dress rehearsal as well as instructor/staff fees related to these events.
Guidelines for make-up classes: If your child needs to miss a class, he/she can attend another class of the same or similar genre either at or below their own level, approved by the class instructor or Ms. Amelia. Holidays and closures appearing on the studio calendar have already been calculated into your payment schedule and do not qualify for makeup classes.
Students are responsible for their own personal items while at the dance studio. Positive Image Dance is not responsible for lost or stolen items. Students should NEVER touch, consume, or otherwise use another person's property (including food). Students should be respectful of the dance studio instructors and staff. Students should pick up after themselves. Students should notify staff of anything that looks out of place (e.g. a toilet out of order, etc.). Bullying, body shaming, gossiping and other behaviors unbecoming of a student or parent of Positive Image Dance will not be tolerated. Depending on the severity of the offense, should a student or parent's behavior become a risk or menace to others, the parents will be notified and (in the most severe cases) the student could be asked to leave.
Chewing gum is NEVER permitted in dance class! No food or drinks (other than water) are permitted in our studio classrooms.
For safety, comfort and so that students receive the attention they deserve from their instructor, we limit class sizes. Class size is determined by the style of dance, the common age of the students and the classroom size.
Positive Image Dance reserves the right to cancel any class that does not have a minimum of six (3) students enrolled on October 1st of each dance year, or if enrollment drops below six (3) students. This policy also applies to summer classes that do not meet the five student minimum by July 1 of any given summer session. If a class is canceled due to insufficient enrollment, an alternate class will be offered to those who are enrolled in said class or a refund issued for the unused portion of tuition.